Women March in Mexico City for 8M

On March 8th, thousands of women marched in Mexico City, demanding justice and highlighting the inequality and gender violence on International Women's Day.

Women March in Mexico City for 8M

On Saturday, March 8th, in commemoration of International Women's Day, thousands of women marched in Mexico City to demand justice and protest against the inequality and violence they face daily. The mobilization had several meeting points, with the Angel of Independence and the Monument to the Revolution being the most popular, from where they departed to traverse various avenues of the city.

During the march, which culminated in the Zócalo of Mexico City, graffiti and acts of vandalism were observed, as seen in photographs from Reuters. By 4:15 PM, the government of Mexico City had not provided information about the number of attendees at the march or additional details about the event.

In the words of one of the participants: "It is essential to go out into the streets to make visible the issues that affect women daily. We march together to demand an end to gender violence and to remind that our rights must be respected."